
Société Anonyme

The art collected from 1920-1940 by the Société Anonyme, Inc. (Duchamp, Man Ray and Katherine Dreier) is on display now at the The Yale University Art Gallery.


The Principle of Mimicry

When held in hand, one barely notices the difference between these two coins minted by successive French political regimes – the July Monarchy (1830-1848) and the Second Republic (1848-1852). In the latter (the coin from 1851)the young Marianne  (allegory of the Republic) cuts a similar profile to that of her monarchic foil, the double-chinned King Louis Philippe, Duc d'Orleans. Likewise, on the tails side, the only difference with the new Republican coin is the slogan: " Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité."


Art Farce, Salon des Independents, 1910.

Et le soleil s'endormait sur l'adriatique by J.R. Boronali (1910)

"J.R. Boronali" and the painting in progress. 
Bottom image and caption from The Art World, May 1917.


Modernism, the young John Maynard Keynes, and the art market

Merve Emre describes how writings on art by Bloomsbury member and patron John Maynard Keynes can be seen as adumbrations of The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1936) at The Modernism Lab


Kanga translations

            More on Kanga at the British Museum website.